Every morning, families across the Bay Area wake up and the first thing they do is check online for “air quality today” in the hopes of being able to take their kids to the park, go to school, or open a window. But many don’t even have access to the proper masks that protect us from the toxic air.
On Monday November 19th, San Francisco Rising member organizations bought and distributed over 5,000 “N95” masks to those families who have the least access to clean air, including homeless people and those who don’t have the luxury to stay indoors. These masks were given freely to day laborers, seniors, working moms, domestic workers, and families living in SROs (Single Room Occupancies).
Donate today to help SF Rising raise the funds for these 5,000 masks, so that our families can have the bare minimum to protect their health until air quality returns to healthy levels.
If just 250 people donate $25, we will have raised the $6,250 it cost to buy these masks. Join us in protecting the health of low-income communities of color in San Francisco, by donating $25 today!
In the meantime, want to learn more about the real root causes and responses needed to prevent another Camp Fire? Read up on Bay Resistance’s practical and inspiring guide: 4 Ways to Respond to the #ClimateFire.